Tuesday, August 23, 2016

BSCC New Season Begins Sept. 7:00 pm

The Berrien Springs Camera Club will open its new season on Wednesday, Sept. 7, at 7:00 p.m. in the Berrien Springs Community Library at Cass and Union. The club’s season runs from September through June each year, with programs alternating between an informative presentation about some aspect of photography, and a competition open to members. If you'd like to get a feel for what our camera club is like, this is the meeting to attend.
 The September meeting will be about improving our club, clarifying policies governing the club’s competitions, and improving our photography skills. Our President, Leroy Patterson, will lead the meeting and discuss BSCC improvements..Tom McDonough will review select topics, competition procedures and update members on a few changes.
Members are also invited to submit up to three digital images, taken this summer, for projection and critique. The critiquing will be a group activity by the other members, nonjudgmental but' thinking out' loud how each picture might be improved. We will view as many as time allows. Anyone who plans to join the club that evening may submit their three images, in jpg format not larger than 1024 x 768, the naming convention for the three digitals should be (please note this is different than the usual competition format)
1_title_yourname, 2_title_yourname, 3_title_yourname  (first initial and last name)
Attach and send your photos with 'September' in the subject line to:
 Programs for November, January, and March will be announced in later communications
In competition months members can submit up to 10 digitally projected images and up to 10 prints (mounted, at least 5" x 7") for judging. Awards are given for the top projected images and mounted prints. Acceptable topics always include Nature (nothing domesticated or showing evidence of mankind), Portraits, and Open (anything), plus two special topics each month. The special topics for each competition month this year are:
                Oct. 5: Rivers and Clouds
                Dec. 7: Churches and Stained Glass (sg)
                Feb. 1: Precipitation (precip) and Moonlight (moon)
                Apr. 5: Wild Animals and Angles
The May 3 meeting is for final judging of the year's acceptances, when 3 judges will select the top 10 projected images and prints of the year, and the June 7 end-of-season meeting will include a potluck meal at 6:30 and a show from the year's acceptances.
                Club officers for 2016-2017  are:
                President-Leroy Patterson
                Sec/Treasure-Ted Post
                Digital Projection/Web/PR–Suzanne and Tom McDonough
The public is welcome to attend and enjoy the competitions. To submit pictures, one must be a member. Other activities are being planned for members, such as outings, exhibits, and publication. Annual membership fees are $10 for students, $25 for other individuals, and $35 per family. Refreshments are served at each meeting.

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